Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What colour/style bikini is best for pale skin?

ive got really pale skin. i like it that way too, so please dont suggest i get a tan. i have medium/dark brown hair. what colours will make my skin look nice? black and pastels make me look washed out.

What colour/style bikini is best for pale skin?

Wow, sounds like you look a lot like me. lol.

Well, summer before last I wore a white bikini with different colour spots on it. Do you have larger hips? Pastels make you look washed out? Well, try finding a light colour that complements you skin, pale pink usually makes my look glowing. And if you don't like pale colours, try a deep-blue violet (violet with a more blue undertone than claret). It may make your skin look pale but it will make your hair look fabulous!

Don't go for string bikinis... they are very unattractive and I think 1 in 20 people looks good in them.

Best of luck!

What colour/style bikini is best for pale skin?

anything! absoultely anything!

What colour/style bikini is best for pale skin?

What colour/style bikini is best for pale skin?

Something dark (like black) goes well on most pale people, it looks dramatic. If it makes you too pale, turquoise is a good way to go. It has a dark undertone but its brightness will make your skin stand out.

What colour/style bikini is best for pale skin?

wine red....og pure red.

What colour/style bikini is best for pale skin?

Sounds like you are in the range of primary colors, the reds, blues, greens. You can wear darker tones because they contrast with your skin shades. As for style, just avoid the thong, but otherwise you can wear it as skimpy as your hips and bikini area will allow.

What colour/style bikini is best for pale skin?

Beige or white.

What colour/style bikini is best for pale skin?

I would suggest brown or army-green, because you're right, pastels will make you look paler and black is too harsh for you. Brown and Army green also go really well with brown hair. Have fun shopping!

What colour/style bikini is best for pale skin?

black with maybe a design with white or ha ha a yellow polka-dot-bikini ;)

also what about a pink or depending on your eye color try something to flatter your eyes.

What colour/style bikini is best for pale skin?

melllo, try yellows and whites because they will be lighter than your skin and make yuu look darker also sometimes black can work but be carfull.

Best answer please =D

What colour/style bikini is best for pale skin?


What colour/style bikini is best for pale skin?

Red. Black. White. Baby Blue. Baby Pink.

Someone said yellow. To me yellow goes better when you have a tan... otherwise it makes you look yellowish. If you don't want a tan then I wouldn't get yellow.

I'm just saying the one's I'd get because I'm really white. I'm not albina or anything but my skin is really light colored.

What colour/style bikini is best for pale skin?

Since you have really fair skin i suggest like a light pink. Or a light blue. Black like you said will make it look too dramatic so go for a light color.

What colour/style bikini is best for pale skin?

red definitely or maybe gold!

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