Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Do i sound attractive??

I know there's a lot of people asking this...just wondering... And give me a full blown discription of what you think of me. Nothing too brudal. You can be honest, just not mean. Anyways, i have medium length thin dark brown hair with very very timid blonde streaks, i have dark brown eyes, my skin is a really dark white, so kind of tannish i guess, i have thin eyebrows, i'm a bit chubby and sort of short, and my style is like wearing Abercrombie and Hollister and all those stores...

*oh yeah and if any guys answer this, tell me what kind of girl you would like- and i'm talking about looks not anything like "it's on the inside that counts", and be specific on your type of girl

Do i sound attractive??

Try asking the same question with a portrait photo of yourself (such as I use) as your avatar.

Personally, I like slender girls who weigh around 100 lbs. and stand around 5' 6" or so. With beautiful faces. And with bright and sheery attitudes, while also being intelligent, and able to talk sensibly about a wide range of topics. Good conversationalists that I can immediately feel comfortable with.

Do i sound attractive??

you sound like a human being.

a human being without a label.

Do i sound attractive??

oh my god.

Do i sound attractive??

women with a good personality 1st with a nice frame never hurts, cept if she leaves u,lol

Do i sound attractive??

yes very

Do i sound attractive??

i think you are a female alien's dog.

Do i sound attractive??

YOu sound nice but then again I like brown women, like latin or dark asian philipino...

What attracts me the most and quickiest is not the size and shape but does she have nice eyes, eyes are the doorway to the soul and that is where the personality lies

Do i sound attractive??

What is the face of your shape, your teeth your mouth, nose,feet?

I think you sound attractive and you should play up YOUR fave feature and your best feature to be more so

Do i sound attractive??

Without a pic it's impossible to say.

Style doesn't matter.

Chubby and short can be a turnoff, particularly if the guy is anyway tall.

The ideal girl is tallish and slim with long curly brown hair and hazel eyes.

Do i sound attractive??

i am a guy. im 23 though. i dont think its possible to judge based on a description. i cant see how chubby. short doesnt matter. i cant see your facial structure. it would really help if you put up a pic. the chubby is usually a killer if shes too chubby but you can cover a little of it if you dress right. i know a cute girl with a pretty face who is a little chubby.

i like brunettes, pretty, short, cute not hot, and a nice cute looking face. good nice personality not too superficial.

Do i sound attractive??

You sound fine. You could probably do more to feel confident about yourself, and maybe vary your styles a bit, the orignal Abercrombie is a brilliant tailors near saville Row, but the t-shirt stuff is uninspiring.

Wear somethings a bit more original.

If you feel you are short - how short is short? - then think about stack or cuban heels, not stilettos as they can look forced and you might lose your balance if you try too hard.

You say your hair is thin: is this because it is overworked? Maybe you should not mess it up too much: the key is to have it done professionally. If you are short of cash, as a stylist to accept you as a model. Vidal Sassoon's stylists in London used to cut my hair every two months for free.

From yuor description, you sound like you could use some exercise to improve yourposture, confidence and waistline ( Look at me I am overweight by 14 pounds and I need to walk more). The gym won't last - get some friends to join you in runnuing or walking, or field sports.

Don't pluck your eyebrows without the help of a professional at least at first. I have seen some girls who look a scream as they have plucked themselves into a frenzy.

What do you mean thin - is this natural like your thin hair? Maybe you need to improve you diet, with added Vitamin D and B, and exposure to sunlight and more exercise, like swimming.

(By the way call it "fine" hair, it sounds better and is more accurate)

The most important questino to think about you have not asked: why am I so insecure I am writing to strangers to ask about the person I am.

Don't you have friends you can ask or, if need be, a stylist who yu trust who can give you good objective advice to improve your image and self-esteem.

When I was younger, as a guy, I just did not suit jeans and t-shirts, so I saved up for beautiful Armani shirts, Saville Row suits, really good English shoes:

I still have these, and still wear these design classics thirty years down the line: now my great-nephews are after them.

So watch the trends, but don't follow them.

Believe in yourself and

Trust your own judgement

If in doubt, consult a professional you trust.

( ONce, I felt down in London after a vreak-up: I got a hair cut and manicure and felt on top of the world)

Learn to look after yourself.

Go, girl!!

Do i sound attractive??

You sound like you're lacking a bit of confidence and need a little boost. You're probably as pretty as anyone else, and while you may not think so it truly is what's on the inside that counts.

I'm attracted to short blondes with an average to small build. What I got was an ex Army MP (currently working hospital security) who's my height, average to medium build (you could say a little chubby and you wouldn't be too far off), and is a bit of a tomboy. She got me by being herself, showing interest in me, and having a cute little girl who warms my heart. I love 'em both. So say what you want about not wanting to hear "it's what's on the inside that counts". I think you'll find that a lot of guys are gonna say it anyway.

Do i sound attractive??

Yeah =)


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