Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I have a medium long length of hair that is black and is naturally straight, i have no idea what sty

i usually wear my hair down with side bangs and put my hair up, but i want something new. if any of you guys have and pics that would look good for me please send it to me, PLEASE!!! THANX!!!

I have a medium long length of hair that is black and is naturally straight, i have no idea what styles, help?

Two Low Pigtails

Two Braids

Side Ponytail

Half Up


I have a medium long length of hair that is black and is naturally straight, i have no idea what styles, help?

Not sure if you are into it but the emo or scene look would probally look good on yah.

I have a medium long length of hair that is black and is naturally straight, i have no idea what styles, help?

you can try clipping your bangs back on top of your head loosely so you can show off your face. try wearing it half up half down, get layers or highlights or something too maybe.

good luck =)

I have a medium long length of hair that is black and is naturally straight, i have no idea what styles, help?

get it layered and wear some cute loose curls and then make a hump on top, and the put on a cute headband and theres a cute new style

I have a medium long length of hair that is black and is naturally straight, i have no idea what styles, help?

layer-cut hair will look really works for me.

I have a medium long length of hair that is black and is naturally straight, i have no idea what styles, help?

bun with chop sticks all the way

I have a medium long length of hair that is black and is naturally straight, i have no idea what styles, help?

you have the same style of hair i do right now and i like to leave it in a braid at night and then take it out in the morning and it's all wavy, it looks awesome!!!!!!!!!!

I have a medium long length of hair that is black and is naturally straight, i have no idea what styles, help?

try curling it. what you do is after you take a shower pat dry you're hair with a towel (the reason you pat it dry is because if you rub it dry it can damage hair). then put in some styling gel or mousse and take some sections of you hair and twist them with you finger and far up and you can go. then after doing that to every part of your hair scrunch it and blow dry to keep the curls in place. then flip you're head over and massage you're head in circles to add volume.

hope this helps

I have a medium long length of hair that is black and is naturally straight, i have no idea what styles, help?

what i do is i leave my hair out my hair is kind of wavy so what i do is i do a puff and put a clip wear my bangs up and leave my hair out or try to do a fishtail braid or a normal braid that is what i do it looks pretty

I have a medium long length of hair that is black and is naturally straight, i have no idea what styles, help?

I too have med.length hair that is black. You didn't tell your age, so I would assume that you are young. I'm slightly older. I wear my hair in a layered cut and then I mousse it some to give a little extra body.

I have a medium long length of hair that is black and is naturally straight, i have no idea what styles, help?

do layers! buy 1 of those flattening irons and make them wavy, they look good with side bangs if you make it wavy too, you could also do it with a blowdryer but the results are better with flattening irons, you could also do a side ponytail and put gel on your side bangs so they could stay behind your ears with a cute bobby pin and curl your hair with a curling iron on your side ponytail and leave a small curl where the bangs r at.

I have a medium long length of hair that is black and is naturally straight, i have no idea what styles, help?

look up a pic of victoria beckham, very nice with dark hair.

I have a medium long length of hair that is black and is naturally straight, i have no idea what styles, help?

i have medium long brown hair.

i use herbal essences tottally twisted scrunching gel. i put some in, to wet hair, not to much or itll be crunchy, (ew.) and then i scruch it a LOT. i let it air dry.

when its done i have this pretty wave, which will usually hold for about 2 days so you can wash every other day.

Then with my bangs i get a clip and poof just a tiny bit, and clip them.

or try a braid or a french braid.

How do i get my hair like this?

i am black and have medium length hair

How do i get my hair like this?

Do not ever get a perm or body wave. If you regret it, you're going to have to wait till it all grows out.

First use a curl cream throughout and dry your hair with a diffuser attached to the blow dryer. Then if you need, I love using my triple-barrel iron or some hot rollers in different sizes. Then for the finishing touch, I use Surf Spray by Garnier Fructis. Even this product by itself will help give the messed up beachy look.

How do i get my hair like this?

Put mouse and or gel in it and scrunch it in your hands

How do i get my hair like this?

You should go to a professional.

I am in cosmotology class right now, and the best procedure I think you should use is to get a perm, highlights, and make sure you have hair supplies like frizz control, and gel.

If you do want this look, if you get it, try not to brush your hair out, because it will mess up the perm/curls whatever, and cause it to frizz.

How do i get my hair like this?

Wash and Condition it, while still wet use a little curl actvator and then spray with spritz.

How do i get my hair like this?

It looks like she has layers in her hair...

...and is your hair texture curly/ should be if you desire this look w/o a weave...

...then wash and condition your hair, leaving in a little of the conditioner....

...while hair is still wet put in gel and mousse, grip it up like your scrunching it...

...and let it air dry...again I stress the question - Do you have the right grade of hair for this look?...I'm just being real b/c if when you wash and condition your hair it looks like an afro...ummm...I think you should search for a different style that is doable for you without the aid of a relaxer b/c over time they destroy the hair cuticle...

How do i curl my hair?

how can i curl my hair using curling tongs or curlers without it looking a birds nest?! i just havent got the nac to it!

i want loose, sexy, wavey curls in my hair... sort of like jessica simpson style.... i have medium, sholder length hair..... please help and please dont suggest perming!! i only want this as a temp style!

How do i curl my hair?

use curlers or rollers

How do i curl my hair?

don't be shy, go to your salon and ask for their help, its what their there for

How do i curl my hair?

Try using steam rollers, the kind that heat up, and have soft foam on them so your hair does not get frizzy

How do i curl my hair?

if you can, after you wash your hair, loosely braid it, in 2, 3 braids, then let it dry over night, in the morning, you'll have lovely curly waves.

How do i curl my hair?

i wouldnt bother if you dye your hair it will only dry it out

How do i curl my hair?

I wear my hair like Jessica, all I do is use larger sections of hair than normal in very hot curling tongs (I use Braun Independent) try and spread the hair out along the barrel. I only roll them up to about ear height - but I have slightly longer hair. Hold for a few seconds then unroll the tongs - do not just pull out, once you have all you hair done let it cool then break the curls up with your fingers and spray with hairspray.

This works well for me and usually stays in till bed time - It also works better on hair that has been washed the day before.

Hope this helps!

How do i curl my hair?

Use Curling tongs. Perferably the bigs ones. Separate in big sections and curl. Once this ure hair is tonged use wax or serum to tame the curl to how you want it. Trust me it works.

How do i curl my hair?

try sleeping with it in soft curlers or rags it works for me.

How do i curl my hair?

I wear my hair in loose curls everyday. I find curlers or tongs to fiddly, so I use my straighteners.

It's really easy. Take a small section of hair, and clamp it at the top like you would if you wanted to make it straight. As you draw it down the hair, twist your wrist as you go, so that the hair wraps around the straighteners (turning up wrist up will make the end of the curl flick up, twisting it under will make the end curl under). If you have good quality straighteners, the hair should just gilde through, exactly the same as if you were straighening it.

It takes a couple of tries to get it right though. My hairdresser first showed me how to do it, and now I swear by it. So easy and quick (I do my curls in layers and it takes me roughly 7 mins), and the result is loose, sexy waves. Make sure you condition your hair lightly when you wash it- this will ensure it doesn't go frizzy or end up with the classic bird's nest look! Fix with a little styling spray, and you're good to go!

How do i curl my hair?

10 tips for curly hair and making it last!

1. Don't wash every day. Hair with a bit of natural oil distributed through it holds a style better than squeaky-clean locks.

2. Use a light conditioner. Heavy conditioners can leave a residue on your hair, weighing it down and pulling out curl. If you do need a thicker conditioner to combat damage, take extra care to rinse well.

3. Blot before you style. Post-shower, remove excess moisture from hair by gently wrapping it with a towel. Too-wet hair is difficult to dry and style.

4. Apply a volumizer. If your hair has a hard time holding a style, chances are it is fine and limp. Volumizer will give it lift at the root and a foundation for styling.

5. Treat damaged ends. Apply a small dab of leave-in conditioner or hair cream to just the ends of damaged or chemically-treated hair. It will help smooth fuzzy areas, which in turn makes styling and setting easier.

6. Blow dry upside down. This gives hair natural movement and bend, a great starting point for adding more curl.

7. Choose professional-grade tools. They heat up more evenly and reach a higher temperature than many drugstore tools. Find professional tools at a beauty supply store.

8. Spray before you set. Apply a mist of hairspray or setting lotion to each section of hair before you curl.

9. Spray underneath, too. Don't forget to apply hairspray to the underside of each section -- the more hold you have within your style, the better it will withstand the day.

10. Re-mist during the day. If your curls are falling flat, spritz on a curl-reviver (Pantene makes a great one) mid-day. Follow up with another light layer of hairspray.

How do i curl my hair?

Curling tongs are best to use,if you have naturally curly hair you may consider straightening it before curling it,and ensure you use some protector spray on your hair to prevent damage to your hair!!!Also with the use of clips clip up some sections of your hair and leave some hair down,curl the part that is down,let down the next section,curl it,and so on and this should leave you with the desired result!!

How do i curl my hair?

you can rag the ends of your hair u just use strips of old rags and start in sections from the back select how big u want each section to be (for looser curls i suggest u take 2 inch sections ) make sure ur hair is damp and wind your hair with the rag and stop where u want the curl to end then just tie in a knot u can sleep in these thats the best way but if u want it for a night out make sure u take it out in the morning dont brush it just use ur fingers to tease it ur hair will jump up quite alot(get shorter) hence the reason i say if it is for the evening take the rags out in the morning so ur hair has time to drop throughout the day

How do i curl my hair?

you want curls you have to work at it use curlers and try try again we all have bad hair days ....good luck and good hunting

I need hair fasion tips avoiding extremes of styles and keeping it medium to long length. Anyone ple

Layer it and get side bangs

I need hair fasion tips avoiding extremes of styles and keeping it medium to long length. Anyone please help?

For a man? Errrm the skater/emo look? Long greasy and messy basically aha..

or the surfer look (wash your hair with salt water, it really works! The salt is a natrual cleaner and gets rid of bacteria, so your hair will be very clean, and it wont be silky, like it would be if you washed it with shampoo, so it will be easy to styleee

What is a good hair color and style for a pale skin-tone?

I have pale-white skin and medium length hair. Please help me with a good color and a cute summer look.

(Please don't base the color on the season, I'd choose brown if it works!)

What is a good hair color and style for a pale skin-tone?

Snow White got away with black. Aurora got away with a dark blond. Bell was dazzling as a brunette.

I am pale skinned and choose a light blond.

It really depends on your eye color and your lifestyle.

I think you should go with blond.

We always have more fun.

Or so they say!

What is a good hair color and style for a pale skin-tone?

Your natural hair color is always the best. Don't go changing yourself for some season.

What is a good hair color and style for a pale skin-tone?

Red or strawberry blonde.

What is a good hair color and style for a pale skin-tone?

short red hair

What is a good hair color and style for a pale skin-tone?

ahh no don't dye your hair

it takes away all of the variation of color and natural highlights

i say, cut it to a little longer than shoulder length then get ask for exterior layers and soft sidebangs

What is a good hair color and style for a pale skin-tone?

what ever your natural hair color is that color will be the most flattering and bring out your natural beauty! and a natural look always goes in the summer.

What is a good hair color and style for a pale skin-tone?

Strawberry blond or reds go well with pale skin -

What is a good hair color and style for a pale skin-tone?

Try a medium brown with golden highlights. That will be really pretty for the summer months. Also, you might want to choose a short, flirty haircut. Maybe a "messy" bob.

What is a good hair color and style for a pale skin-tone?

well i have brown hair that goes to my shoulders, so i can have it down if i want to, but its long enough to put back in a ponytail. ive got pale skin too, so this might work for you. although i dont understand the whole dying your hair thing. i never have so i dont get the point of it... im not saying u shouldnt, but i just dont get it...

What is a good hair color and style for a pale skin-tone?

i'd say a light blond-with a medium length layered cut, or a strawberry blond- with a short lenght layered cut.

What is a good hair color and style for a pale skin-tone?

if you already have brown hair, get red and blonde highlights while also leaving the brown in so it appears that you have 3 different highlights. thats what i have and i am so glad that i did it. i have mine streaked rather than looks amazing with layers. red and blonde, no matter what, are an amazing combo with hair. i have extremely pale skin and freckles and blue eyes and it looks a lot prettier :]

also!! if you can, you should get some random crazy color for highlights (not with the other highlights..dye your hair blonde and then get pink or purple or green highlights or something) because that would make you stand out a lot and life is too short to blend in.

What is a good hair color and style for a pale skin-tone?

You shouldnt go more than 2 shades lighter or darker than you're natural color.

If you're a blonde, go with a honey blonde with caramel highlights.Or you can get highlights and lowlights,which look great!

If you're a brunette, go with a chocolate brown with blonde highlights or go with a warm brown shade,with some caramel highlights.

Best is not to go too light or too dark.

try the links and see whats right for you!

Good Luck!

What is a good hair color and style for a pale skin-tone?

if u have freckles id choose a reddish color.....but not to bright! maybe just highlights or maybe like the top layers of ur hair so its not to like in ur face overwhelming!

What is a good hair color and style for a pale skin-tone?

A real good hair color for you would be a dark brown low light with a little bit of a light blond so it would be (your natural, dark brown, then a light blond) all together in what is called a color slice keep the medium length and have it layered in long layers. It will off set your skin tone and make you look darker plus the length will help draw out the shape in your face. I think it will make you hot

Does anyone know any good websites for black people hair styles?

for short and medium length hair

Does anyone know any good websites for black people hair styles?

whatever it is, just make sure gelis not the main ingredient (did i spell that right) because you will look a hot busted mess when it all dries and to top it off you'll be walking roundpatting your head because it itches so bad

I need help with my hair!! I need cute styles?

I have medium hair, and tommorrow I have a party to go to can anyone tell me some cute styles (that don't involve cutting or straighting) and a briefly explaing how to do them thakns....btw (styles good for a young teen)

I need help with my hair!! I need cute styles?

if your hair is like the pic in profile i would say flip it with the curler and about 30 min some curls will fall but you will have a nice look

then you could use some cute bobbypins to pin hair up on sides

I need help with my hair!! I need cute styles?

I need help!

I am also going to a party! I dont want to leave it straight, I was think more like curling it but how should I style it. I have bangs in the front and my hair is long and straight. Any tips? Report It

I need help with my hair!! I need cute styles?

do some loose curls you may want to try it out first but get a curling iron and do loose wavy curls then pull your hair back into a loose half pony tail good luck

I need help with my hair!! I need cute styles?

Have your hair like your avatars it's cute

What are some cute, pretty, and easy to do hair styles for the Valentines day dance???

Please dont tell me to put my hair in a pony tail i do that every day and i have bangs that go to my chin, i have medium/ long hair, thick, and brown so got any ideas?

What are some cute, pretty, and easy to do hair styles for the Valentines day dance???

How about you put it in a high ponytail and have your bangs to the side or high ponytail curlyed in the back.Another suggestion is tightly pulled back in a bun. Or parted down the center and a ponytail.

What are some cute, pretty, and easy to do hair styles for the Valentines day dance???

How about you wear it down. Simple.

What are some cute, pretty, and easy to do hair styles for the Valentines day dance???

Mohawk. chicks had those when I went to the dance! ...oh, and it must be bright pink and green!

I need some pics of really cute hair styles..?











I need some pics of really cute hair styles..?

Go to sites like "Vogue", "Cosmopolitan" and other fashion magazines.

Also, go to Google and Type in "Hairstyles 2007" and other "Hairstyles Sites"

Look for someone who has the same shape face as you, i.e bone structure, mouth. Cut and paste them, then put them all together, and have a look. Before you go and spend money at the hairdresser, and they give you a style you don't like. Then you have to live with it until it grows! I've made that mistake too many times. Good luck.

I need some pics of really cute hair styles..?;jsessi...


What hairstyle is cute for a round faced girl with dark auburn hair?

I have dark auburn hair and i have a round face - i want a short or medium hair style. What do you guys suggest???

What hairstyle is cute for a round faced girl with dark auburn hair?

if you are able to get your picture online you can go to and use their Try It On Studio and upload your picture and try on different styles and colors.

What hairstyle is cute for a round faced girl with dark auburn hair?

Well personally I love to flip out the ends of my hair. Well my hair it a little longer then shoulder Length and I'm told its really cute. Well I think that if your hair is longer then it looks good up in a sports pony-tail with an a-line cut and I think shorter hair looks good flippy as well,

Hope that helped! =D

Hair styling tips (not for a cut) for medium-long length brownish/black hair?

I usually just straighten or scrunch my hair but i really would like some cute styles, i have tons of bobby pins and clips so thats not a problem. My hair is pretty fine in texture, but odly i have a lot of it. any ideas would be great! I'm having friends over tonight and i would really like something unique thats pretty and that doesnt involve too much skill .

Hair styling tips (not for a cut) for medium-long length brownish/black hair?

Play! Its best to set your hair in rollers first, or big barrel curls, and then start grabbin handfuls and pin like mad. I am a stylist, and these messy updos always look the best! You can NOT mess them up, and skill level is zero. Also, try playin around with colors too. That will make any doo look completly different!

Hair styling tips (not for a cut) for medium-long length brownish/black hair?

okay here got some cute ones.

( i love this one)

and go on and look on beaty/ makeup/ skin....then look at hair style ideas. thats where i look usually.

Hair styling tips (not for a cut) for medium-long length brownish/black hair?

I put my hair up in a ponytail and that is it. I also got my hair highlighted in an auburn color.

Hair styling tips (not for a cut) for medium-long length brownish/black hair?

PIN CURLS....IF you have bobby pins..the ones with the clamps you need to twist the hair into a cirlce and then put them on there they have to be a ttached to your head o and dont forget to part your hair. You may want to curl your hair first if you need any more info just im me message me and ill give you all info needed

Hair styling tips (not for a cut) for medium-long length brownish/black hair?

try one of these.

Hair styling tips (not for a cut) for medium-long length brownish/black hair?

hey i would just tell you to curl it all!! take small to medium sections of hair and curl it! it will look great and it is super easy!!!

Hair styling tips (not for a cut) for medium-long length brownish/black hair?

well but some bendy rollers you can get them for 鎷?.00 or $5.00 - these-

when you get out of the bath dry your wet hair with a towel so its still damp get a large clump of hair and roll it tightly around the roller do it all the way round leve them in overnight and take them out in the morning (do not brush) and if you wrap thin peices of hair around it will go too curly

How do I acheive this hair style?

I have the cut done...but I am not sure how to style it, so that it looks right. As the instructions say, I have a med. round brush to use and a blow dryer. But HOW do I go about using the round brush and blow dryer to make my hair do that?

Here is the style (the model IS flipping her head...I don't want funky bangs):

Extra Info: My hair naturally has a soft curl/wave to hair is just waves then curls toward the bottom...sort of...but it will really curl if I put curling mousse in it.

I really appreciate any sincere and helpful answers!

How do I acheive this hair style?

here is what you do because i have the same hair style so you take nice size pieces of hair and take the brush all the way to the end and sort of almost wrap the piece of hair around the brush but don't then blow dry that piece of hair then do the same thing with the other pieces, what you do with your bangs is your decision.

閳?good luck hope it comes out good

How do I acheive this hair style?

Don't say the word "achieve". Hairy things (such as your head) hate that word.

How do I acheive this hair style?

well id just copy and paste it

How do I acheive this hair style?

however you like it....................

wouldn't it still look pretty??

hope i helped,


How do I acheive this hair style?

I've done my hair like this

many times. I find it easier

to just apply a serum like

Biosilk (for shine) and blow

dry like you would normally.

Then take a 1inch curling

iron and curl away from your


Then just run your fingers

through your hair.

Then BOOYAH! haha.

*Tip: Spritz on a TINY bit of

hairspray to make it last

throughout the day.


How do I acheive this hair style?

From what it sounds like, don't blow it straight.

I bet if you blowed it in small sections then take the section and coil around (in a circle against your head flat) and pinned it and spray it. (don't curl it around your finger, maybe touch a finger to your head and use that as a "base to wrap" your sections into a circle) Then spray with hair spray and let cool.

I find that it is easier to blow dry with this:

How do I acheive this hair style?

it tells u exactly what to do.

I really want an emo/punk hair cut?

i want it medium hair style any ideas?

I really want an emo/punk hair cut?

ok here are some pics

maybe not the color but the cut =] good luck

I really want an emo/punk hair cut?

ok not to be rude but u'll probaly get in some sort of accident with all the hair in your face!

What are some cute hair styles?

i hav medium brown hair. its really thick. and i really need to cut it. any cute ideas or pictures. ps: im like a pre-teen

What are some cute hair styles?

my friend has that type of hair, she cut it in layers with the hair split on the sides and the bangs sort of swept onto the side , she looks awesome!

What are some cute hair styles?

Do you have a picture?

I need to see your face shape, ethnicity, hair texture/color to give any suggestions.

What kind of hairstyle would suit me?

~that's me~ A GIRL!

I want a completely new style wich means cut and haircolour. What would you recomend? I have green eyes, medium skin tone, light golden/brown hair that falls under my shoulders!(just so you know, cause the picture is quite dark) Thanks everybody!

What kind of hairstyle would suit me?

leave it brown maybe a few highlights get it cut just croppy cut you know sorty of like the jennifer aniston craze style hair.. let it down ..

What kind of hairstyle would suit me?

I'd let my hair grow out. Lose the pink Miami Vice shirt, too.

What kind of hairstyle would suit me?

maybe a shaven head would look well

What kind of hairstyle would suit me?

um...maybe you shouldn't put that picture on anyways...maybe you should um...lets see, since your hair was UP! I couldn't see the length so maybe get a short cut and get golden highlights.

What kind of hairstyle would suit me?

i htikn you need to go platinum blond whit a pixie cut.......t will compliment your shape looks to hash drawn back like that.

OR try blond and permed -longish!

What kind of hairstyle would suit me?

Grow it long!

Do you think i could model?;...

SCHOOL help need hair styles(need to impress guys first day of middle shool)!!!!!!!!!!?

i have medium length hair and i despratley need hairstyles help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! need details too.................

SCHOOL help need hair styles(need to impress guys first day of middle shool)!!!!!!!!!!?

This is one of my everyday hairstyles that adds volume when i style it, and after!

You will need: Bobby or invisible pins. and a soft bristled brush.

You start with damp hair. Apply a leave in moisturizer or serum to keep your hair from damaging. Separate your bangs (if you have any) from your longer hair, and then brush in long strokes to the back of your head, so your part doesn't show. Gather the brushed hair in your palm. Twist the access hair in the back of your head, then push up a little to give it body. Take your bobby pins then and use them as invisible pins, (put then in regular way, then twist the other way and put it in) You will probably need to use less for very fine hair, more for thick hair. When your hair is dry, you can take the pouf out and your hair will be volumized, and it only took about 5 minutes! I hope i helped! PS: it's my first day of middle school too! Maybe add a big headband to it, all the celebs are doing it!

SCHOOL help need hair styles(need to impress guys first day of middle shool)!!!!!!!!!!?

side ponytails

curl/wave your hair and put a headband on

plaits across the top of ur forehead (like a headband kinda thing)

SCHOOL help need hair styles(need to impress guys first day of middle shool)!!!!!!!!!!?

i totally agree with one above ^

side pony tails are HOTHOT!

you can leave a few strands out at the front, even better if you have bangs

and you can curl the actualy tail or whatever its called c:

and you can do a messy bun, thats always hot.

there are loads of tutorials on how to do that on the internet

but i prefered one i saw on the ellegirl website

SCHOOL help need hair styles(need to impress guys first day of middle shool)!!!!!!!!!!?

You could use a little bit of mousse *or as much as you need* and scrunch up your hair to make it nice and wavy but not too curly. Then with a small comb, take some hair from one side and comb it over to the other side so that you have a side part. Then take some hair around your left ear and some hair from around your right ear *just a little bit* and bring it up to the middle of your head. Use a small clip to hold the hair together. Put a little bit of hair on each shoulder so it's not all in the back.

Hope this helps and good luck in middle school! i absolutely loved it and do not want to leave it to go to high school!

SCHOOL help need hair styles(need to impress guys first day of middle shool)!!!!!!!!!!?

SCHOOL help need hair styles(need to impress guys first day of middle shool)!!!!!!!!!!?

ok dont panic i bet you will look great to impress that special guy :).

well i think if you take the top layer of your hair and pull it back and either pin it at the back of your head or tie it up.

it's really easy but looks really cute :)!.

or curl it then to this.

or have it curled and put a bright colored headband like yellow - green - pink - orange on. :)

Cute hair styles for school?

i have a heart shaped face with medium length brown blonde hair that is very thick and healthy. i love doing different styles with my hair and i want some new ones for school. if u can please give me pictures!

Cute hair styles for school?

well u could always go with the whole miley cyrus ashley tisdale hairstyle meaning the waves

and u gottta check out this website to see all the types of hairstyles and pics of celebs hairstyles and how to do it

hopefully that helped =]

Cute hair styles for school?

grow out and get side bangs with face framing pieces of hair!

Cute hair styles for school?

the one on ur avatar is cute! use some straightners 2 add waves and curlz itll look really good on thich hair. Also, try taking som frm both sides of ur head and twisting it back behind ur head and clippin it there. hope this helpz x

Cute hair styles for school?

Umm.. play with this site---

Cute hair styles for school?

this is different

u can get 1 of these tools frm bedhead light me up styling tools

do a pony tease hair up hairspray herbak essences body envy 3 bucks at walmart curl ends with a 3 inch curler

Cute hair styles for school?

Cute hair styles for school?

i'd always reccommend flat ironing, but when im bored of that, i pull out the curling iron. when i've curled my hair, i normally leave the bangs straight, just because they look better that way and i part it on the side. i also buy pretty clips (any drugstore probably has them) that are like bobby pins with little rhinestones on the ends and the side with less hair back. its a change from my normally straight hair and it adds great volume!

another thing i do is if my hair is straight but it looks flat, i take my bangs and some hair in the front, twist it back and then pull it into a medium bun (about an inch from the nape of the neck) the twist looks really cool from the back and it doesnt show how flat my hair is that day!

i also sometimes braid the crown of my hair. basically, you french braid sideways along your hairline and it looks like a headband, and also keeps the hair out of your face!

Cute hair styles for school?


thank you

What would be a cute spring hair cut for medium length hair??

My hair is like 4 inches below my sholders, but I want to keep the length. please include pictures with cute hair styles

What would be a cute spring hair cut for medium length hair??

perfect websites!

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i think with this website im about to show u can put ur own face in and see what u would look like with different hair styles :

What would be a cute spring hair cut for medium length hair??

do beautiful curls and pen the top up with pretty spring colored hair pins k!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

What would be a cute spring hair cut for medium length hair??

This one is pretty, or maybe this one....

Could you sugest any hair styles? READ BELOW!!!?

I am asian/first nation oval/heart shaped,square head no big forehead and i want bangs though i have medium length hair about 4 inches below my shoulders. what do you sugest? and i have thick hair blackish brownish i was thinking nelly furtaod look.

Could you sugest any hair styles? READ BELOW!!!?

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Hairstyle ideas - tips and tricks-

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Hairstyle Photo Gallery-

Could you sugest any hair styles? READ BELOW!!!?

ooh Nelly would be really pretty on you!

Could you sugest any hair styles? READ BELOW!!!?

yes furtado would be nice I have just about the same features as you explained and my bangs start around the middle of my face and go down as it gets longer then I have my hair in 5 layers I love it!!!!!!!!!!!

Could you sugest any hair styles? READ BELOW!!!?

What are some good hair styles?

i am about 5 feet and i am a teen. i have medium-ish hair. what would be a good hairstyle for me?

p.s. i have thick hair

What are some good hair styles?

it depends on what shape face you have.

try here it has different hair cuts for different face shapes

What are some good hair styles?

Micros and braids. Some small ones so they last longer.

What are some good hair styles?

you should get a mullet like joe dirt

What are some good hair styles?

layers with short hair i'm a teen and i have seen that alot at school

Ladies, which of these hairstyles do you prefer on a guy?

1.long hair

2.medium length and styled

3.short spikey cut

5.very short buzz/almost bald


Ladies, which of these hairstyles do you prefer on a guy?

5 (married to a soldier)

~ Mel

Ladies, which of these hairstyles do you prefer on a guy?


Ladies, which of these hairstyles do you prefer on a guy?

i love it long on the top and meduim around, that way i have something to run my fingers threw, and its long enough to spike.

and also looks hott when wet

Ladies, which of these hairstyles do you prefer on a guy?

Def. short 'n spikey!

Ladies, which of these hairstyles do you prefer on a guy?

I like longer, over the ears and stuff or short and spiked

Ladies, which of these hairstyles do you prefer on a guy?

Short but not spikey

Ladies, which of these hairstyles do you prefer on a guy?

#2 medium length and styled.

Ladies, which of these hairstyles do you prefer on a guy?


Ladies, which of these hairstyles do you prefer on a guy?

3 i thinks it's cutie

Ladies, which of these hairstyles do you prefer on a guy?

Number 3!

Ladies, which of these hairstyles do you prefer on a guy?


Ladies, which of these hairstyles do you prefer on a guy?

2 or 3

Ladies, which of these hairstyles do you prefer on a guy?

actually none of those, what i like on a guy is a MOHAWK..but you need the right face shape or whatever for it...but if i had to choose out of would be....medium length and styled, #3..

Ladies, which of these hairstyles do you prefer on a guy?

I like them in this order :

1st = 2.medium length and styled

2nd = 1.long hair

3rd = 3.short spiky

4th = cut

5th = 5.very short buzz/almost bald

6th = 6.bald

Ladies, which of these hairstyles do you prefer on a guy?

I prefer 3,4 or 5. a lot of that depends on the guy. If it looks good on him, then I'll like it on him.

Ladies, which of these hairstyles do you prefer on a guy?

bald not really but other than that doesn't matter...

Running hair styles?

I have medium length hair and when i run i put it up in a bun or pony tail but it always fals out! any suggestions?

Running hair styles?

I agree with the cap suggestion.....stick the ponytail thru the hole in the back when putting it on.

Or maybe going a bit shorter on the length( like just above the shoulders) and just pulling the top part back.

OR pulling the top part back in a ponytail and then another ponytail with the rest of the hair the top half included.

French braid is another good suggestion, but you'd have to learn how to do it....maybe have a hair stylist teach you, but then you really to have practice on yourself too (which can be frustrating). I never learned (although I tried), but I always had friends who could do it for me.

Running hair styles?

try a cap :)

Running hair styles?

theres special hair ties that have ruber on the out side. i think there called no slip or somthing like that. u can find them at walmart. the keep my hair from falling

Running hair styles?

if I'm running long distance, I run with my hair in 2 french brads, connected to the side of my head, it's kinda hard to explain, but it is arrow dinamic. It doesn't look stupid anyway

Running hair styles?

you can cut it short like mine

Running hair styles?

braids are always good

Running hair styles?

try using two hair ties, thats what i do cuz my hair is so thick. or braids are fun too. =)

What are some hair styles that guys like?

I like this guy and yes, i act myself and yeahh but i want my hair to look diff ya no something he likes i no guys dont pay attention to that stuff but like what do they like straight?curly?up? down? wavy?idk (i have medium lenght hair) soo yeahh !! i NEED to no

What are some hair styles that guys like?

I believe I have a hair fetish. I love long straight flowing hair. Hair that reaches at least to the mid-level of a woman's back, if not to her waist. But yes, long straight hair and NOT short. Short hair just isn't right on a gal.

What are some hair styles that guys like?

Pony tail looks good for me =)

What are some hair styles that guys like?

medium length is perfect, if u dont have highlights get some! highlights definatly get attention! if u have a narrow face then having ur hair up is a plus, if its round then let it loose, straight hair looks real sexy w/ highlights

What are some hair styles that guys like?

It doesn't matter. As long as you have a VAGINA.

What are some hair styles that guys like?

im a girl, but i know that guys might notice you if you put some unnatural hair colors in, it really stands out. and some guys just like certain colors

Cute hair styles for little girls?

medium length hair

Cute hair styles for little girls?

If the girl has straight hair, I think the slanted bob (long in front, shorter in back) is really cute.

Cute hair styles for little girls?


Cute hair styles for little girls?


no fringes attol ok!dey suck!

Cute hair styles for little girls?

pumpkin pie haircut

Cute hair styles for little girls?

Shave her head. Hair is a privilege, not a right.

Cute hair styles for little girls?

Ive seen alot of girls with Mohawks...

Cute hair styles for little girls?

a cute ponytail with some side swept bangs

Cute hair styles for little girls?

the straw-set look is so cute to me?

Cute hair styles for little girls?

pig tails.....they are soooo cute!!!!!!!!

Cute hair styles for little girls?

All natural is the look my little 3 year old prefers. All natural, hanging down - just wild. Just keep it combed - not scraggly. My daughter has only just recently, in the past month, been letting me put pony-tails or barrettes in. She has straight, dark brown hair - like her mom!

Cute hair styles for little girls?

Depends on the little girl but usually a bob pinned on one side with a bow. Or pulled half up is cute to for longer styles

Cute hair styles for little girls?

Go under Beauty and then hair ideas! I love this website! It has step-by-step instructions and they are so easy to follow!

Which hair length looks best on meee? i have a pictures...?

ive got my hair cut a lot recently cuz TONS of split ends from straightening went from longg to like medium and now its shoulder length...

and also with my face, wat styles wud look good??


the last one with me and that girl isnt a good picture of me at all! but its the only one i have with short hair.


Which hair length looks best on meee? i have a pictures...?

I really like the second picture

Which hair length looks best on meee? i have a pictures...?

I like shorter hair. You have a lovely face and you should show it off. The shorter the better.

Which hair length looks best on meee? i have a pictures...?

light red brown

Which hair length looks best on meee? i have a pictures...?

i couldn't cut my hair short but i thin k it would look good on you. or...the length you have now but add more layers. that would be cute too!

Which hair length looks best on meee? i have a pictures...?

i liked the long hair- and that is so weird for me to say because i have super short hair and normally im a fan of it! but you look young and fun, and that goes with long hair- you can either put up, or leave down, or you can do it like you have in the first pic. but if your itching for something new go ahead and cut it. remember it always grows back ;)

Which hair length looks best on meee? i have a pictures...?

the first and second length i like best but they all looked good!

Which hair length looks best on meee? i have a pictures...?

Third pic is the best. I like the layered look on you. You seem to have thin hair, and the layers plump up your look nicely. Long hair overwhelms your face- stick with no longer than shoulder length.

Which hair length looks best on meee? i have a pictures...?

i liked the medium hair, its not too long, or too short! plus you can put it into a cute ponytail and small braids!

Which hair length looks best on meee? i have a pictures...?

well i liked #2 and 3 on you as well as the girl thats in #3 with you but keep your hair no longer than shoulder length or if youre really bold go for the brittney spears look

Design my look?

Hey~I want a new look and I need yaulls help!

I play basketball and go to a private Christian Im normally in my sweatpants or plaid skirt alllll the time.

I also am trying to find a So I want something that is different, but not weird, just me you know? I like rock and classical. Im not really girly. I want something that guys will look at (a.k.a. like). I have dirty blonde hair, 5'7", brown eye, medium skin tone, italian and french mixed heritage. If you could, just search American Eagle or Pacsun or something and find me a shirt, pants, shoes, {maybe purse} that you think would be an attractive look that fits my style. Thank you soooo much!

Design my look?

Design my look?

try doing something drastic with your hair, like short layers or if ur feeling crazy, a small streak of blue in ur hair!

Design my look?

I think pacsun is more your style than american eagle, so here is an outfit from there, hope you like it!

A few tops to choose from:

This one if unique, just like you, and not too girly!

This one is my fav. of them all, it's kinda girly but fits your style.


These dark wash jeans are in style, and go with anything!


This cardigan is a simple color for on top of your printed t's, and every girl needs a sweater like this.


Any pacsun shoes are cute, but these are metallic (in style) and will fit your style, plus calm down your printed t;s

I'm having a hard time looking for medium length styles!?

Could you please send me links to websites or pictures that will give me a list of medium hair cuts?

I am trying to grow my dyed hair out. About two inches of my brown hair is back, but I want to start cutting my hair.


I'm having a hard time looking for medium length styles!?

Sorry, I don't know any websites that have photo galleries, but I am sure that if you type in "hairstyles" in a search engine like Google or Yahoo, you'll find a bunch of websites.

I'm having a hard time looking for medium length styles!?

Shave ur head Bald

I'm having a hard time looking for medium length styles!?

try this

i use it for ideas.

I'm having a hard time looking for medium length styles!?

The best site is found on ivillage. Especially celebrity hair w/ great pics...and not just the style the celebrity has now...but maybe if you liked oh, say Mandy Moore's short style from about 3 years's on there. They sort them by lengths...the link I'm attaching is for medium lengths. I used to take pics too, but now that I've discovered the Toni and Guy Academy....I just go there..and the instructor knows the perfect look for your hair. I currently have a cut called graduated's really versatile. Either way, remember, just because a hair cut looks good in a pic...does not mean it will look good on you...and a good stylist will tell you if it won't work. Best of luck...I know allll about hair

I'm having a hard time looking for medium length styles!?


I'm having a hard time looking for medium length styles!?

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Medium hairstyle tips-

Hair styles??

I have medium length hair and i want to get swoop side bangs like kristen cavallari's does anyone know where i can find pics of that haircut so i can show my stylist?

Hair styles??

look up kristen cavallari and print a pic

Hair styles??

Check out on the Japanese hair style magazines as they have plenty of hairstyles and also they also show the techniques of doing it.

Hair styles??

Download a pic of Kristen Cavallari on your PC and just print. :)

Cute hair styles for skool?

i have medium leght hair 1/2 inch above my sholder i am 13 looking for somthing easy to do but so cute i have straight hair but i can curl it

Cute hair styles for skool?

i suggest you curl it and put it in a ponytail, it will look so cute!

Cute hair styles for skool?

There are many things that can be done with short hair. I suggest using a product that will add fiber and texture to your hair and finger combing it while blow drying. This will give your hair body, style and a unique look.

Curly hair styles for school?

I have medium-lengthed hair, some layers, very curly..

I'd prefer to wear it down, and please don't suggest straightening it :) my hair doesn't really look good completely down, unless anyone has any tips to make it look right? thanks!

Curly hair styles for school?

First of all, way to go for not straightening it! Embrace your curls.

As for my personal suggestion, here's what I do. After I get out of the shower, I LIGHTLY towel dry my hair. Then, I squirt some mousse into my hands and run it through my hair and scrunch. (Sometimes I need more than 1 squirt.) Any kind of mousse will do, I think. You don't need the expensive kind. Then I usually follow up with Herbal Essances spray gel over that and let it air dry. (For me, blowdrying makes me look like Bozo the clown, but in the winter, you might want to dry it before going out.)

Then, for extra help on those frizzy days, I have been using Biosilk Silkening Balm AFTER ITS COMPLETELY DRY (not before or it gets sticky.)

Finally, if your hair doesn't work well with this procedure, since all curly hair is a bit different, check out It's a great site with all kinds of advice, and will make you feel better about your curls.

Good luck!

Curly hair styles for school?

try to put some gel in it

Curly hair styles for school?

OMG... yes you can wear curly hair to school. i love wearing it curly. and i know what you mean about straighening it. def. a hassel. try using something to tame it. rather than straightening it run something like detangler or super skinny serum through it. you can find it any almost all salons

Curly hair styles for school?

From a girl with curly hair....let it go natural. With a good cut, it will look great letting it dry naturally. I just use my fingers for combing through as it is drying. Everyone tells me they would love to have my hair! I'm sure you will get lots of complements also.

Curly hair styles for school?

I unlike many ppl hav a wonderful hair type its wavy. i can make it curly or straght without much hassle. so i cant really help u with this one.

Curly hair styles for school?

My hair is EXACTLY the same. What i do is:

- wash it with extra conditioning products

-put oil through only the ends when its damp

-braid it tightly to keep the curl and frizz down at night

-in the morning, once its dry, i blow dry the inside and the curled ends as straight as possible with out a flat iron

-then use a light oil hair lotion on the ends and frizzies

This turns out more wavy than curly, and blow drying the inside makes it appear longer than the rest of your hair and takes away some of the body.

After these steps I usually wear some my hair twisted back, or pin my bangs kind of to the side and back.

Curly hair styles for school?

Try wearing it half up half down. This usually works for me. And instead of using gel try using Boilage Hydo Foaming Mousse. It works well and make hair bouncy. And plus it doesn't leave build-up. It's sold at most professional salons and at sometimes you can spot it at Rite-aid.

Curly hair styles for school?

Lucky you I have straight hair and have to use rollers to make it curly

Homecoming hair! please!?

HOw should i do my hair for homecoming( it's today) I have medium long hair that ends like at the end of my chest. Should i put my hair up somehow? or just leave it down and like curl it with a curling iron? PLease give me some ideas and tips. MY dress is fuscia...also how should i do my makeup?

Homecoming hair! please!?

For your hair, put it up in a bun, then take pieces of you hair out of hte bun and curl it with a curling iron...:)

For your makeup, us hte same color eyeshadow as your dress and then right under your eyebrows put like a white powder, then do the mascara, eyeliner, and a light pink lipgloss, (shiney),

Hope i helped! , good luck, have fun :)

Hair styles please!!!?

I have brown medium legnth hair. I need a really nice hair cut for school. links and pictures help best. oh and bangs don't look so nice on me, side bangs do .

Hair styles please!!!?

heres some hairstyles that me and my friends do..


Hair styles please!!!?

side bangs are really in style now shoulder length straightened is cute

Hair styles please!!!?

Hair Styles

Guy hair styles for blueish-green-blonde hair?

as the question said, I usually spike my hair in the front part of my head leaving the back down, but any one have other suggestions? I have like medium short hair

Guy hair styles for blueish-green-blonde hair?

bro hawk

or controlled chaos

Guy hair styles for blueish-green-blonde hair?

You can make a cool mohawk type thing...a kid at my school has it. It's not severe or anything...he just spikes it up in the middle and trims the sides every once in a while. Just don't shave it off!

You can also spike all of your hair up/out, or slick it straight back for something different. If you have any sisters or girl friends they might have a could try straightening it and see what happens :P

Any suggestions for hair styles ?

I have medium brown hair on top and black underneath my hair, my hair is very thin and almost down to my butt. I have an olive skin tone, i really would like some ideas for a new cut and any ideas on how to get my hair so have more volume.

P.S. my hair has many many split ends and it is pretty damaged from straightening it everyday HELPP!

Any suggestions for hair styles ?

Get it cut donate to locks of love and go for a shoulder length layered cut with side swept bangs

Any suggestions for hair styles ?

You can sell your long hair at:

What color should i dye my hair?

my style is a skater natural hair color is black but right now it is medium red brown.

What color should i dye my hair?

i would dir your hair blond not like blond blond but like a strawberry blond

What color should i dye my hair?

I would try hot pink streaks...:)

What color should i dye my hair?



What color should i dye my hair?

burgundy brown.

What are the latest male hair styles?

I am having my hair cut in a short while and I would like to know what I should have done

I have medium-long, straight blonde hair

I have tried looking for hair styles on the internet, I have found sites like which are good for girls, but tell me nothing

I would like to either dye my hair or have highlights, any colour

cost is not an issue when it comes to my hair

Any help would be greatly appreciated

pictures would be a big help thanks

What are the latest male hair styles?

For you a mohawk would look nicely.

What are the latest male hair styles?

Simple solution for you is only let a man cut your hair than. Women know little about short hairstyles if that is what you are going for. Report It

What are the latest male hair styles?

Are you past the "gel all the top hair into a pointy mohawk with highlights" phase? Good. That was one bad fad. And too many 2006 weddings featured that hairstyle among the men (below 30 of course).

Check out the website which shows spring 2007 mens hairstyles.

Longer hair it says. Many guys will like this.

Hair styles for the preteen soul?

im 12 and im bored with my hair. it's brown and medium length. any ideas on new styles to try?

Hair styles for the preteen soul?

Free beauty tips on Makeup / Hairstyles /

hair highlighting / Weight loss etc...

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Makeup/Hair styles

Hair styles for the preteen soul?


okay....u can do these hairstyles !!!!! =D


-half-up half-down

-ponytail with hair wrapped around elastic.

-hair straight and down

-hair wavy; looks rele cute as beach waves.

-hair curly...those loose wavy big curls

-in a clip.

-with a pompadour (poof) in the front.

-scrunched (rele cute with a cute barette or clip! =D)

-"jasmine" (its has two pieces of hair taken to the back and then clipped)

-sidebang. ( i have one....they're rele cute)

-french twist

-messy bun=

-low pigtails

-french braid(s)

-regular braid(s)

-side ponytail

-low ponytail

-side ponytail (but high up instead of over the shoulder)

-high bun

- and anything else that u think is cute.

but just remember.....

DO have pretty barrettes

DONT make your hair look like a bee hive with too many barrettes

DO have fun with you're styles

DONT go over bord and crazy

have fun! best of luck to you!

Cute hair stiles for blond medium length hair?

my hair curls really fast though but i like it striahgt. what are some cute hair styles for my hair. it is blonde, a couple inches past my sholders, and it curls really fast. what should i do with it?

Cute hair stiles for blond medium length hair?

buy a straightner

Cute hair styles with just bobby pins?

Ok so how do u get a cute hair style with just bobby pins

i already know how to do the take a piece and pin it up.i have medium length straight hair

Cute hair styles with just bobby pins?

I'm not sure what you mean by the take a piece and pin it up... but this is what I've done before:

For a beautiful hair style that is elegant and could be used formally:

Hold your hair in place in a ponytail (or use a rubber band if you have one), and take one small chunk of hair at a time and twist it. Then, wrap it around into a very small bun-like circle. Tuck the loose end under the circle of hair, and pin in place. It usually takes two bobby pins per circle of hair. You end up with a very full conglomeration of tiny buns that makes you look almost celtic. :o) Hope this helps!

Cute hair styles with just bobby pins?

you can just take your bangs and pin them up in the back

Cute hair styles with just bobby pins?

you can use to bobby pins on the side next to each other or your can do the poof thing on the top of your head Lol. i lvoe that one you can take a peice of hair and pin it back at teh end of your head um, yeah. or you can do what i lek to do ... get random colors and shapes of pins and clips and go random

Cute hair styles with just bobby pins?

Hold your hair in a ponytail.Twist it and then wrap it around the middle.Use bobby pins to hold it in place.It should come out nice!

Cute hair styles with just bobby pins?

If you want your hair curled for a day, try PIN CURLS. Google it, and it will tell you how to do it using bobby pins. I use it a lot and it makes my hair swirly-curly and pretty, and bouncy. You should try it! Y! Mail me if the search doesnt work. I'll tell you.

Ok so i want to get my hair cut in a scene style?

well like i said i want to get my hair cut in a scene style right now my hair is medium length and i have bangs on each side i dont know what to ask the stylist for i want it choppy at the top but i want it the same lenth

overall i just want it to look amazing

what do i ask for???

Ok so i want to get my hair cut in a scene style?

try a mid-neck length razor cut.

Ok so i want to get my hair cut in a scene style?

when u cut it short at the top dont cut it to short cause i did tht and now when i staigten it it wont stay dont it still looks amazing but its not wht i asked 4

Ok so i want to get my hair cut in a scene style?

I suggest you take a picture in. Try google image search and photobucket typing in emo/scene hair and you will find a ton of pictures.

Ok so i want to get my hair cut in a scene style?

very short and shaggy on the top

and long on the bottom

im sure if you'll bring a picture, it will be much easier for your hairdresser to visually see it. %26lt;33333

I have Medium length hair. Very VERY VERY curly...?

It's proabaly a little lower of my shoulders... but when i leave it down it gets even shorter cuz of my curly hair.. i love my hair but i'm tired of the same hair styles i use does anyone have ideas for my type of hair? thanks

I have Medium length hair. Very VERY VERY curly...?

first you can try going to the salon and ask for there help or you can straighten it

I have Medium length hair. Very VERY VERY curly...?

unfortunatly with the texture of your hair , any new style could cause damage. straighteners r bad. so is braiding, for me as a rule i never braid curls . you could use a comb and part your hair different or try ponytails or barettes . i use little rubber bands to make pig tails, and i use clips to do different stuff too. bangs help as well as you can stle them and leave the rest of your hair go.

I have Medium length hair. Very VERY VERY curly...?

i am half black half white so i hav the same problem. u can always find something 2 do w/ ur hair. u can put it in high and low ponytails, do a curly puff, straighten it, put it half up half down, and many more. my advice wud b 2 look in a magazine.

I have Medium length hair. Very VERY VERY curly...?

i have the same problem and i think im the best person to answer can do gorgious pony tails its simple easy and effective, once in a while also you can straighten your hair too, also you can do a quiff and have your hair tied at the back that is what i do........... hope it helped you hun

I have Medium length hair. Very VERY VERY curly...?

I wish i had curly hair, i have wavy and it isnt good wavy. Whatever you do dont get it straightened , because the heat will ruin your curls and dont dye it, it'll ruin your hair.

I have Medium length hair. Very VERY VERY curly...?

You are limited to what you can do but I think if I were you I would let it grow longer and see if the weight will make the curls less tight. NO BANGS for very very curly hair! They end up looking weird and even if you style them it's a very dated look....not modern. Also, rubber bands and barettes cause damage and breakage so I would avoid those as well. If you want to wear it up you can get great bands that are covered so your hair won't get tangled. They are made by Goody. The best thing you can do for your curls are keep them healthy. Don't use chemical straighteners because they are very damaging. Just love the hair you are gifted with. :)

I have Medium length hair. Very VERY VERY curly...?

have you ever just left the curls but straightened the ends?? lot of people are doing that.

How do I turn unruly hair into "messy" medium length hair?

There's a particular style of medium/longish length hair that I am trying to get, but my hair tends to turn into a fuzz ball when it is at medium length. The style is a bit hard to describe, but I'll take a stab at it. The front has moderately long bangs that cover most of the forehead. The sides come down about 3/4 of the way down the ears. In the back the hair comes down to a couple of inches above the neckline. The hair is combed down, radiating from the top. The style has somewhat of a messy-shaggy quality, without being unruly.

An approximation:

So far I've tried gel for a while, but it didn't really prevent my hair from fuzzing up. I also tried various ways of drying it that might preserve straightness that comes from being drenched, but that didn't work.

How do I turn unruly hair into "messy" medium length hair?

buy hair wax and apply a little on your hair which gives it texture and shine like in that pic.. and just follow down through with your fingers.

How do I turn unruly hair into "messy" medium length hair?

There is a product that is called Hair Taffy you can get it at either beauty shops or maybe Wal-Mart it has been a while since I got it!

How do I turn unruly hair into "messy" medium length hair?

pomade. try garnier fructis.

How do I turn unruly hair into "messy" medium length hair?

too be honest guys with that hair HONESTLY just shake there hair where it's "perfectly messy" every 10 minutes

jus have the volume and shake it

while the others use wax and use a straightener

if you use gel or moose or something it'll just get greasy looking or hard

it wouldn't work if you do that

a little "hair wax" might work though just too much would make it look greasy

Hair styles!!?

i have medium length blonde hair with side bangs (bangs go a bit past my nose.) my hair is about 7inches past my shoulder.

and im going to a new school and im gonna have to wear a uniform. im also going into grade 8, and i need help styling my hair some how.

so i was wondering if anyone can tell me how i can style it.

also please give me the instructions.

and please no stupid answers!! :P:)

tanxx so sooo much!!:P

Hair styles!!?

Hair styles!!?

well i'm not really a fan of miley cyrus, but i love her hair. you could wear your hair in styles simmilar(sp?) to hers. You could scrunch your hair. or for a dramatic effect straighten it all and either leave it, or finish it off with a poof or a head band with your side bangs in or out. or you could poof your hair and have two braids, or just two pony tails on either side of you head. you could also wear a low side ponytail. good luck!!

ps. poof howto- take side bangs, comb back, and take a little clip and secure on top of head. it should form a little "poof"

pps. heres a link to my friends fashion blog that has a how-to on scrunching

Medium face + Nice style hair = handsome, pretty?? [vsunight]?

i hate math!!

Medium face + Nice style hair = handsome, pretty?? [vsunight]?

this isnt the algebra im used to

Medium face + Nice style hair = handsome, pretty?? [vsunight]?

Usually a good hairstyle can always fix a face

Medium face + Nice style hair = handsome, pretty?? [vsunight]?

not good

I need a formal hairstyle i can do myself plz?

i am going to a wedding saturday and i wanted to know what are some formal nice looking hair styles that i can do myself. if they take time could you tell me appr. how long itd take me so i can plan it out? i have medium length(shoulderlength) dark brawn hair and bangs(if that helps)!! thanks for all the help

I need a formal hairstyle i can do myself plz?

Having a medium hair length is good because it lets you have the best control over your hair. Having short hair can limit your hairstyle and having long hair can take up a lot of effort. Anyway, if you are that desperate go for the basic bun and glam it up by buying the most sophisticated looking (yet cheap) scrunchy you can find and also make sure that it compliments your dress. Too keep it in place, put some gel and some hair pins that camouflages with your hair color. It's also nice that you have bangs that way you can just let it dangle on the side to frame your face. And if you like, you can curl your bangs and just let it fall softly on your face and you're good to go! :)

I don't really recommend hairstyles that let your hair fall such as ponytails or half-ponytails unless you went to a salon that did it for you. Because most likely, it won't give you enough control and you might feel like you want to go to the bathroom to check if your hair is still in place.

The basic bun is the best idea i can give you because it is so effortless and yet it gives you the classic sophistication for the occasion.

I need a formal hairstyle i can do myself plz?

take a little bit of hair from the top of your head and tie it up with a rubber-band. It's sort of like a half pony tail!

I need a formal hairstyle i can do myself plz?


I need a formal hairstyle i can do myself plz?

ef u have long hair, i can give you 1001 style,and u will choes one of them

I need a formal hairstyle i can do myself plz?

while your hair is wet brush it all straight back into a smooth, tight, ponytail with a bristle brush, (or brush your bangs over to the side in front) braid your ponytail flat then rap the braid into a bun and bobypin it... its easy and elegant and beautiful.. and it only takes a few minutes!

I need a formal hairstyle i can do myself plz?

Ok this might take about half an hour (and its best to practive a few times b4)

First straighten your hair then put your hair in a ponytail (not a high one but not a low one). Then with your comb pull out for the bottom a layer of hair.

then divide the layer of hair into about 5 bits and starting at one side get a bit and start to twist t up and secure it with a bobbypin near the ponytail, repeat this with the other bits of the hair until the layer that you pulled out is all twisted and pinned near the ponytail (hiding the hairtie). by pinning the twists near the ponytail this should have pushed the hair in the ponytail up and beacuse it is straight it should have kind of a spiky fan shape to it. you can tease it a little bit or leave it hang as it is.

I know this my sound strange and you might not have understood my instructions (so sorry) but I have a photo of my hair (a view from the back) which would make it easier to understand, you can reach me on yahoo messenger bec_au2001

I need a formal hairstyle i can do myself plz?

hot roll hair.(use setting spray). as rollers are cooling apply makeup or whatever. when rollers are completely cool, remove one roller and backcomb lightly and move to next roller. when this is complete it will probably be all over the place like you stuck your finger in a light socket. take a tuft and smooth it with your fingers in the direction you want that piece to go. put a bobby pin in the middle of it (just below first bend of curl) and flip/twist your wrist and pin.(flip/twist like the guy on the taco bell commercial) start where you want the design to be. side of head, top of head, etc. use gloss drops or something to smooth the hairshaft to make it look more polished. apply only a little or it will fall. pin in an x pattern and the curl will stay.

it takes longer for the rollers to cool than anything else. pinning time probably 10 minutes.

I need a formal hairstyle i can do myself plz?

devide your hair in half like a half ponitail but split the top into two even sides like piggy tails with half your hair do it in the back and then do messy buns with both of them wrap a few elasics close to the head around both of them after doing the messy buns (make sure to take a pain releaver after this because you will have a major head ach) then with the rest of your hair you can either leave down curled out, do a third messy bun and wrap into the top two, or you can do twisty corn rows up the back of your head and boby pin the remaining hair into the messy part with the rest of your hair. sorry if this dosent make sience but i promise that it looks cute but make sure you take your pictures sideways with this hair do becuase you look bald if you go straight on the camera (dont ask) I sure hope this works good luck and have fun!

How do i style my straight, medium hair?? i prefer a girlish style!!?

Try curling it.Or if you're going on a night out, flick out the ends of your hair, quite big, and it looks really nice and really girly!Try it and see if you like it!!

How do i style my straight, medium hair?? i prefer a girlish style!!?

Twist it up and put a clip in it, thats pretty. ^_^